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Late-discovery adoptee Julia shares about the challenges of reunion
There can be a gulf between what someone needs and desires from a reunion with genetic relatives and what is feasible and possible for a healthy, long-term relationship. Mental illness and mental health challenges can be a factor that complicates the reunion process for some individuals who are involved in an adoption constellation. In today’s guest post, late-discovery adoptee (LDA) Julia shares about her experience connecting with her birth mother and recognizing her birth mother’s undiagnosed and untreated mental health issues. Every person’s journey is unique.
How birth certificates and DNA testing help adoptees on a bio family search
Adopted and interested in starting a search? We’ve gathered more detailed information for you here and identified places to go for more. Two paths—the DNA-first route and the records-first route—are the main paths adoptees use today to begin a search for biological relatives.
“Don’t lose sight of your why” — Diahan Southard on DNA Clarity and Support
In this episode, Brianne interviews author Diahan Southard, creator of Your DNA Guide, who brings a much-needed dose of enthusiasm to the talk about genealogy, a biological parent search, and DNA testing!
“I considered her to be a blessing to me” - A father shares about the emotional journey with a newfound biological daughter
Today’s guest blogger shares the emotional journey he experienced learning at age 68 that he had a daughter of whom he was previously unaware. He is nearing the first anniversary of getting the DNA confirmation of his paternity and is looking forward to a visit with his daughter and her family over Thanksgiving. It will be the fourth time he and his daughter will have a chance to meet up in person.
“When We Did IVF to Have You, We Used an Egg Donor”
Today’s guest post is by Jen Jacober who brings her professional experience as a genetic counselor and her personal experience as a late-discovery donor-conceived person together.
Getting Started on a Search for Birth Family if You’re Adopted
Have you heard the “Searching for Relatives with DNA” podcast episode? Catch this interview by Simon Benn, available for listening now. Simon shares the backstory to his decision to search and the moment he knew it was time. Our discussion is geared towards supporting people early in the search process but will help anyone along the way, whether the searching person or the family who has been sought.
Doubt Is An Important Step In The DNA Discovery Process
Doubt is a common reaction in unexpected DNA family discoveries. It’s not only common, it’s also normal and important.
How to Find and Connect With Biological Family Using a DNA Test
This article provides information on how to find and connect with biological family and is a great place to start for anyone who is just starting their DNA journey.
“I Couldn’t Shake the Feeling That Maybe I Had a Different Biological Father”
Therese reached out to share her story about discovering she had a different biological father than she was told, and in her story is both struggle and growth.
Is It Wrong to Help in an Egg or Sperm Donor Search?
Should I help someone who wants to search for her egg donor? Is it any different from a search for a biological parent in an adoption search?