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Genetic counseling for stigmatized pregnancy conceptions
This is a post aimed at educating the professionals who work with people having DNA testing who are familiar with and in a position to share unexpected findings such as incest/high ROH. At the end, we offer a call-to-action. NOTE: Please proceed to the full post only if you are prepared to read about shocking topics including sexual trauma, DNA trauma, severe family dysfunction and abuse.
Stigma, health, DNA, and adoptee rights: a discussion with Gabrielle Glaser about the changing landscape in America
On today's episode, Glaser talks with DNA Clarity and Support host Brianne Kirkpatrick about the history of coerced adoption in the United States and the influence of culture and stigma on women who in other circumstances might have chosen to parent rather than surrender their to the adoption system.
Haiku Inspired by DNA
Creativity comes in many forms and is a powerful way to find healing. Today we share a free resource with you, a downloadable, printable e-book called Haiku Inspired by DNA. It has space to doodle and color while you read.
Giving Unexpected DNA News with Compassion
Conveying unexpected news is never easy, and it's natural to feel uncertain going into it. The world of DNA testing and surprise DNA discoveries has made ‘breaking the news’ a new part of life for many people.
Tiktok Videos and MyHeritage’s “Deep Nostalgia”- Tech Trends With a Significant Emotional Component
The recent surge in MyHeritage TikToks trending seems to be attributable to a recent release of a feature on their site called “deep nostalgia.” This tool allows you to convert a still photograph of a person into a short animated clip.
Why DNA Family Discoveries Lead To a Need for Healing
DNA surprise discoveries are not confined to one person in a family. When a DNA discovery upsets the truth, we see everyone involved hit with the ripples. Pain and anger, clarity and relief---all of these are common and normal reactions.
Finding Support for Unexpected DNA Discoveries - On the Grey Genetics Podcast
If you’re a podcast listener, you might enjoy the latest interview of Watershed DNA founder Brianne as she chats with the host of Patient Stories, Eleanor Griffith, about resources. Episode 63 is a follow up to a conversation that first took place on Patient Stories two years ago.
Understanding Cousin Relationships (And Whether Cousins Can Marry)
I received an email from someone whose cousins got married. They had questions about this.
Is It Wrong to Help in an Egg or Sperm Donor Search?
Should I help someone who wants to search for her egg donor? Is it any different from a search for a biological parent in an adoption search?
Case of a Bone Marrow Recipient With Altered DNA Results
In the New York Times this week, coverage on an unusual case. NYT reporter Heather Murphy wrote about the story of a man whom researchers are studying because he had received a stem cell transplant, and subsequent DNA testing revealed unusual results.
What DNA Testing Can’t Tell You
You will find many articles online and shows on TV telling you all you can learn from DNA testing. You won’t find much about what DNA can’t tell you, so I’ll review a few of the common test types and talk about the details not often mentioned.
Genetic Counselors - Who Are They and What Do They Do?
Once a year, we celebrate Genetic Counselor Awareness Day! That day is upon us!
Umbilical Cord Blood Donation and Ancestry Testing
Umbilical cord blood donation allows a type of stem cell transplant.
“Dear Brianne...I Was Adopted From the US to Europe. Can You Help Me?”
Are you hoping to locate biological family via records search, DNA testing, or possibly both?
How to Tell if an Online DNA Test Is Legitimate
There are many varieties of DNA testing, some that are extensive scans of your DNA and some that provide focused or partial information.
IRS Gives Go-Ahead to Claim Tax Break for 23andMe’s Health-Related DNA Testing
US customers of 23andMe can request reimbursement for part of their testing.
Severance Magazine, the Beagle Has Landed Podcast, and Other Resources on the Topic of DNA Family Surprises
Severance Magazine is a resource for the growing group of individuals who learn they have been separated by biological relatives.
A Bit About Sibling DNA Sharing, in Honor of National Sibling Day
There are four other types of sibling relationships with variations of DNA sharing.
Rare Disease Day - Raising Awareness and Aiding Connections
Sometimes I fear the media attention of direct-to-consumer test in recent years comes at the expense of the most vulnerable in society: children and adults living with rare disease.
Sesquizygotic Twins...Who Knew That Could Happen?
Sesquizygotic twins have been reported in the literature before, but this is reportedly the first case of it being detected during a pregnancy.