ROH, DNA, Genetic Counseling Brianne K. Williams ROH, DNA, Genetic Counseling Brianne K. Williams

Genetic counseling for stigmatized pregnancy conceptions

This is a post aimed at educating the professionals who work with people having DNA testing who are familiar with and in a position to share unexpected findings such as incest/high ROH. At the end, we offer a call-to-action. NOTE: Please proceed to the full post only if you are prepared to read about shocking topics including sexual trauma, DNA trauma, severe family dysfunction and abuse.

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Stigma, health, DNA, and adoptee rights: a discussion with Gabrielle Glaser about the changing landscape in America

On today's episode, Glaser talks with DNA Clarity and Support host Brianne Kirkpatrick about the history of coerced adoption in the United States and the influence of culture and stigma on women who in other circumstances might have chosen to parent rather than surrender their to the adoption system.

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Genetics, DNA Surprise, Podcast, Resources, DNA Brianne K. Williams Genetics, DNA Surprise, Podcast, Resources, DNA Brianne K. Williams

Finding Support for Unexpected DNA Discoveries - On the Grey Genetics Podcast

If you’re a podcast listener, you might enjoy the latest interview of Watershed DNA founder Brianne as she chats with the host of Patient Stories, Eleanor Griffith, about resources. Episode 63 is a follow up to a conversation that first took place on Patient Stories two years ago.

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