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- NPE 38
- DNA Surprise 37
- DNA 32
- DNA Discovery 28
- Adoption 21
- Adoptees 18
- Direct to Consumer DNA 18
- Misattributed Parentage 18
- Ancestry Testing 17
- Family Search 15
- Home DNA Test 14
- Medical Genetics 14
- Donor Conception 13
- 23andMe 12
- Genetic Counselor 12
- Podcast 12
- Biological Family 10
- Genetics 10
- DNA Test 9
- At Home Testing 8
- Family History 8
- Genetic Genealogy 8
- Sperm Donation 8
- DNA Shocks 7
- Genetic Counseling 7
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- Biological Father 6
- DNA Support 6
- Donor Conceived 6
- Promethease 6
- ROH 6
- Alzheimer 5
- DNA Guide for Adoptees 5
- DNA Podcast 5
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- Stem Cell Transplant 5
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How birth certificates and DNA testing help adoptees on a bio family search
Adopted and interested in starting a search? We’ve gathered more detailed information for you here and identified places to go for more. Two paths—the DNA-first route and the records-first route—are the main paths adoptees use today to begin a search for biological relatives.
Got an unexpected medical genetic result? Share your experience with researchers
The Genomic Services Research Program (GSRP). A study for patients with unexpected genetic results.
Shocking DNA Results? Watershed DNA Is Here to Help
Watershed DNA has expanded into a full-spectrum source of information and support for people with unexpected DNA results.
Finding Support for Unexpected DNA Discoveries - On the Grey Genetics Podcast
If you’re a podcast listener, you might enjoy the latest interview of Watershed DNA founder Brianne as she chats with the host of Patient Stories, Eleanor Griffith, about resources. Episode 63 is a follow up to a conversation that first took place on Patient Stories two years ago.
Rare Disease Day - Raising Awareness and Aiding Connections
Sometimes I fear the media attention of direct-to-consumer test in recent years comes at the expense of the most vulnerable in society: children and adults living with rare disease.
Sesquizygotic Twins...Who Knew That Could Happen?
Sesquizygotic twins have been reported in the literature before, but this is reportedly the first case of it being detected during a pregnancy.
CRISPR in the News - The First Gene-Edited Babies Have Been Born
The first report of gene-edited babies has come out, reported by a researcher in China who was trained and degreed at a university in the United States.
Should You Do a Home DNA Test for Alzheimer’s?
We don't know and understand all the factors that cause Alzheimer's yet, so while genetic testing can be helpful, it oftentimes won't be able to tell the whole story.
Alzheimer’s Disease - Key Points to Know in Light of the New 23andMe Reports
Jamie is a board certified and licensed genetic counselor. She provides genetic counseling to people and families with or at risk for inherited neurodegenerative disease, including Alzheimer’s disease, frontotemporal dementia, prion disease, Huntington’s disease, amytrophic lateral sclerosis, and ataxia.
Never Stop Doing the Right Thing
Never stop doing the right thing, especially when it comes to extending compassion, acceptance, and support to those affected by stigma.