Adoptees, Adoption, Birth Parents, Family Search Brianne K. Williams Adoptees, Adoption, Birth Parents, Family Search Brianne K. Williams

Late-discovery adoptee Julia shares about the challenges of reunion

There can be a gulf between what someone needs and desires from a reunion with genetic relatives and what is feasible and possible for a healthy, long-term relationship. Mental illness and mental health challenges can be a factor that complicates the reunion process for some individuals who are involved in an adoption constellation. In today’s guest post, late-discovery adoptee (LDA) Julia shares about her experience connecting with her birth mother and recognizing her birth mother’s undiagnosed and untreated mental health issues. Every person’s journey is unique.

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Stigma, health, DNA, and adoptee rights: a discussion with Gabrielle Glaser about the changing landscape in America

On today's episode, Glaser talks with DNA Clarity and Support host Brianne Kirkpatrick about the history of coerced adoption in the United States and the influence of culture and stigma on women who in other circumstances might have chosen to parent rather than surrender their to the adoption system.

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Michael and Amy Blair on DNA Clarity and Support

Michael's search entered a new phase when a consumer DNA test connected him to paternal DNA relatives. The up-and-down journey, the people he came to know along the way, and the new understanding he has of his parents are all documented in his memoir, I Had My Underwear on the Entire Time.

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Laura Kieger on DNA Clarity and Support: family, heredity, and the advancement of DNA in medical science

In this episode, Laura Kieger talks about her family's experience with the hereditary cancer syndrome, FAP. Kieger relates how in just a few short decades, the progress of medical genetics and cancer diagnosis has had a profound impact on her own life and others in her family. If anyone needs an example to point to as support for the importance of sharing DNA medical surprises with family, this episode of DNA Clarity and Support offers it!

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NPE, Genetic Testing, Donor Conception, Adoption, Family Secrets Brianne K. Williams NPE, Genetic Testing, Donor Conception, Adoption, Family Secrets Brianne K. Williams

“The Lost Family” Gets to the Core Issues at Hand With DNA Testing and Family Secrets

The first book of its genre to cover the pressing topic of DNA tests and the end of family secrets, Copeland’s The Lost Family provides an overview of the current DNA test landscape and a short history of how it came to be this way.

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Adoption, Family Search, DNA Test Brianne K. Williams Adoption, Family Search, DNA Test Brianne K. Williams

Getting Started on a Search for Birth Family if You’re Adopted

Have you heard the “Searching for Relatives with DNA” podcast episode? Catch this interview by Simon Benn, available for listening now. Simon shares the backstory to his decision to search and the moment he knew it was time. Our discussion is geared towards supporting people early in the search process but will help anyone along the way, whether the searching person or the family who has been sought.

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