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Stigma, health, DNA, and adoptee rights: a discussion with Gabrielle Glaser about the changing landscape in America
On today's episode, Glaser talks with DNA Clarity and Support host Brianne Kirkpatrick about the history of coerced adoption in the United States and the influence of culture and stigma on women who in other circumstances might have chosen to parent rather than surrender their to the adoption system.
Solving crimes with DNA testing: understanding the basics with podcast guest J.C. Kenney
J.C. Kenney is the author a series of cozy mystery novels, one of which involves using DNA and genealogy to solve a murder cold case. You need not be a true crime fan or a DNA expert to learn from today's episode! The conversation with J.C. hones in on the highlights of DNA and crime investigation and is a great intro for those unfamiliar with investigative genetic genealogy, often shortened to IGG.
Draft Language for Reaching Out to a DNA Match
I've gotten some questions about how to approach an unexpected DNA match and try to open up the lines for communication. I've posted some draft language here for you to get a sense of what I've written or advised other people to write in the past.
Is It Wrong to Help in an Egg or Sperm Donor Search?
Should I help someone who wants to search for her egg donor? Is it any different from a search for a biological parent in an adoption search?
What DNA Testing Can’t Tell You
You will find many articles online and shows on TV telling you all you can learn from DNA testing. You won’t find much about what DNA can’t tell you, so I’ll review a few of the common test types and talk about the details not often mentioned.
Mental Health Awareness and My Thoughts on “Baby DOE” Cases
Mental health awareness is important every day of the year, but there are certain times when these conversations come up more often in media coverage. During Mental Health Awareness month in May, or World Mental Health day in October.
Gedmatch, Raw Data, and Solving Violent Crimes With Genetic Genealogy
A voluntary site created for genealogists called GEDmatch is the site law enforcement and others are using to solve crimes. Solving crimes has included finding suspected perpetrators and identifying victims.
DNA Security: My Thoughts in the Wake of the Golden State Killer Case Development
The use of the genealogical DNA website called GEDmatch to solve a long history of crimes perpetrated by the Golden State Killer has a lot of people wondering, “Should I be concerned about the privacy and security of my DNA?”