Podcast, NPE, DNA Support, Misattributed Parentage Brianne K. Williams Podcast, NPE, DNA Support, Misattributed Parentage Brianne K. Williams

Destinations podcast - Brianne and host Doni speak about support for NPE community

Doni is the creator of Culturs Magazine which celebrates people with cross-cultural identities; she has seen how the experience of ‘third culture’ people overlaps often with the NPE world.

Check out the episode to hear our discussion and understand more about the work I do through my writing and private practice, Watershed DNA. We talked about my book The DNA Guide for Adoptees and a little about my upcoming book on the topic of genetic identity. In our discussion, Doni also shared about her role in helping NPEs through the non-profit organization NPE Network

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“Guidance for the Newly Discovered ‘Bio Dad’ and His Family”: Molly Corrigan Gives Voice to a Silent Group Whose Lives Change After a DNA Discovery

Podcast Ep 5: With the increasing popularity of at-home consumer DNA testing through companies like Ancestry.com and 23andMe, more and more men are finding previously unknown offspring. For a man with a wife and family, this discovery presents unique challenges, particularly if that newfound "child" is a grown woman.

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Genetics, DNA Surprise, Podcast, Resources, DNA Brianne K. Williams Genetics, DNA Surprise, Podcast, Resources, DNA Brianne K. Williams

Finding Support for Unexpected DNA Discoveries - On the Grey Genetics Podcast

If you’re a podcast listener, you might enjoy the latest interview of Watershed DNA founder Brianne as she chats with the host of Patient Stories, Eleanor Griffith, about resources. Episode 63 is a follow up to a conversation that first took place on Patient Stories two years ago.

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