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Destinations podcast - Brianne and host Doni speak about support for NPE community
Doni is the creator of Culturs Magazine which celebrates people with cross-cultural identities; she has seen how the experience of ‘third culture’ people overlaps often with the NPE world.
Check out the episode to hear our discussion and understand more about the work I do through my writing and private practice, Watershed DNA. We talked about my book The DNA Guide for Adoptees and a little about my upcoming book on the topic of genetic identity. In our discussion, Doni also shared about her role in helping NPEs through the non-profit organization NPE Network.
“Guidance for the Newly Discovered ‘Bio Dad’ and His Family”: Molly Corrigan Gives Voice to a Silent Group Whose Lives Change After a DNA Discovery
Podcast Ep 5: With the increasing popularity of at-home consumer DNA testing through companies like Ancestry.com and 23andMe, more and more men are finding previously unknown offspring. For a man with a wife and family, this discovery presents unique challenges, particularly if that newfound "child" is a grown woman.
How a giant family tree helped geneticists trace a DNA variant back to Denmark
What do we do once we know a hereditary disease exists in a family? Researchers and genetics experts are finding new and novel ways to combine medical research with family history of the genealogical kind.
“Looking Back Now, It All Looks Black and White” - Dani Shapiro and Her Husband Michael Maren on the DNA Clarity and Support Podcast
Podcast Ep: 7 A watershed moment in the life of Dani Shapiro--the discovery that she was donor-conceived--was triggered by an innocent adventure into consumer DNA testing.
When Genetic Disease Leads to a Surprise Family DNA Discovery
Podcast Ep: 6 Want to learn a little bit about where the fear and stigma around cousin marriages come from? Ready to be challenged by listening in on a conversation between two genetic counselors discussing past work with families facing uncertain, traumatic pregnancies?
What Is Family? What Is Ethnicity? Podcast Episode 4 Explores These Questions With Author Libby Copeland
Podcast Ep: 4 Libby Copeland discusses with Brianne the complex themes she explores in her timely book The Lost Family: How DNA Testing Is Upending Who We Are.
Finding Support for Unexpected DNA Discoveries - On the Grey Genetics Podcast
If you’re a podcast listener, you might enjoy the latest interview of Watershed DNA founder Brianne as she chats with the host of Patient Stories, Eleanor Griffith, about resources. Episode 63 is a follow up to a conversation that first took place on Patient Stories two years ago.
Genetic Counselors & You Podcast - A Conversation With Deepti Babu
Fellow genetic counselor Deepti Babu and I discussed what to do if you unwrap a gift and discover it's a DNA test.
The Mindful NPE Chats With Grey Genetics About Her DNA Surprise
Imagine sitting in a restaurant waiting for your dinner date to arrive and finding out from your iPhone that half of your family is not what you expected. Then heading to the bathroom to call Ancestry and ask, "Could this be wrong?"
DNA Today Interviews Brianne on the DNA Guide for Adoptees
Most recently, I talked in more detail about the work I do with adoptees and families with adopted children while interviewed by Kira of DNA Today.