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- NPE 38
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Gedmatch, Raw Data, and Solving Violent Crimes With Genetic Genealogy
A voluntary site created for genealogists called GEDmatch is the site law enforcement and others are using to solve crimes. Solving crimes has included finding suspected perpetrators and identifying victims.
DNA Security: My Thoughts in the Wake of the Golden State Killer Case Development
The use of the genealogical DNA website called GEDmatch to solve a long history of crimes perpetrated by the Golden State Killer has a lot of people wondering, “Should I be concerned about the privacy and security of my DNA?”
DNA Testing After a Stem Cell Transplant: A Fascinating Case
When you have an allogeneic bone marrow or stem cell transplant, the blood-producing cells in your bone marrow are killed off by radiation or chemotherapy and then replaced with functioning cells from another person.
“High ROH” in your DNA - what is it and what can you do next?
Sometimes in the course of testing DNA, we get a surprise with the results. A surprise we have found happening more often the more we test is the DNA feature of high levels of ROH.