Solving crimes with DNA testing: understanding the basics with podcast guest J.C. Kenney

J.C. Kenney is the author a series of cozy mystery novels, one of which involves using DNA and genealogy to solve a murder cold case. You need not be a true crime fan or a DNA expert to learn from today's episode! The conversation with J.C. hones in on the highlights of DNA and crime investigation and is a great intro for those unfamiliar with investigative genetic genealogy, often shortened to IGG. 

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DNA Guide for Family DNA Searches - Online Course Announcement

Online courses are a great way to learn about topics you want to understand better at a pace that fits your life. You might have all the books you need, but a structured lesson plan that can go with you wherever you are is sometimes better than a full bookshelf.

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“I Am Thankful That She Told Me the Truth When I Asked” - Christa’s Story of a DNA Surprise

The recorded re-telling of a painful and emotional experience of uncovering a DNA surprise is helpful for others to read. It supports and validates others who are going through the same thing, and it provides insight for the friends, family, and professionals who will be there alongside a person on their journey following the unexpected discovery.

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Brianne Kirkpatrick Quoted in PhillyVoice Article on Unexpected DNA Surprises

In this piece which covers the topic of support after unexpected DNA discoveries, I shared my thoughts on the topic and touched briefly on the role grief and support play in these experiences.

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