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- NPE 38
- DNA Surprise 37
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5 Things to Know About Promethease
Promethease is a literature retrieval system that compares raw DNA data to an online encyclopedia of genetics research called SNPedia. Here’s what you should know if you choose to use Promethease.
Filtering a Promethease Report: One Genetic Counselor’s Strategy
There's no right or wrong way to filter through the results of raw genomic data and no professional standards or guidelines about how to do. So I've come up with my own strategy for how to do it out of necessity.
8 Key Points About Raw Data Files
and gain access to raw data files hasn’t fixed that basic issue. So, if you are going to download a raw data file from an at-home DNA test like 23andMe or AncestryDNA or a project like All of Us, here are eight key points to be aware of.
“High ROH” in your DNA - what is it and what can you do next?
Sometimes in the course of testing DNA, we get a surprise with the results. A surprise we have found happening more often the more we test is the DNA feature of high levels of ROH.
Differences between third-party DNA reports and clinical genetics laboratory reports
People are using third-party tools that give consumers information they interpret as health information on themselves. What comes out of these third-party tools is not actually a genetic health report, but it kinda "looks" like one.
Thoughts on Promethease
Make sure you are prepared to understand the results returned by an online tool such as Promethease.