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Destinations podcast - Brianne and host Doni speak about support for NPE community
Doni is the creator of Culturs Magazine which celebrates people with cross-cultural identities; she has seen how the experience of ‘third culture’ people overlaps often with the NPE world.
Check out the episode to hear our discussion and understand more about the work I do through my writing and private practice, Watershed DNA. We talked about my book The DNA Guide for Adoptees and a little about my upcoming book on the topic of genetic identity. In our discussion, Doni also shared about her role in helping NPEs through the non-profit organization NPE Network.
Study invites those with a parental DNA discovery
Research into the experiences of people receiving unexpected results from DNA testing continues.
A new study based at Long Island University aims to explore parental identity experiences in greater depth, from a small number of adults who have taken a DNA test and received an unexpected discovery related to their own parentage.
Study aims to explore the experiences of those with surprise discovery about a parent
Research into the experiences of people getting unexpected results from a home DNA test is still in infancy. A new study based at McGill University aims to explore the experiences of consumer DNA testers who receive an unexpected result with implications to their own parentage.
Michael and Amy Blair on DNA Clarity and Support
Michael's search entered a new phase when a consumer DNA test connected him to paternal DNA relatives. The up-and-down journey, the people he came to know along the way, and the new understanding he has of his parents are all documented in his memoir, I Had My Underwear on the Entire Time.
“All of the locks that guarded her secrets no longer worked” - An interview with author Peter J. Boni
The conversation between host Brianne Kirkpatrick and Boni swings back and forth, exploring the personal impacts of a misattributed parentage discovery on Boni and his awareness of the need for societal change. Boni shares how the new trauma of the NPE ('not parent expected') discovery rekindled some of the old trauma from his past, requiring hard work in the therapist's office to work through.
“I truly believe things happen the way they’re supposed to happen” - An interview with author K.S. Hopkins
K.S. “Katie” Hopkins never guessed that a discovery about her sister's unexpected paternity would be just the start of a number of surprises in the family. What began as crumbs of information left in family documents led to DNA testing which confirmed a hidden family history.
Grounding Meditation for Mindfulness after a DNA discovery - FREE poster
Maggie Chenard is the Mindful NPE on Instagram and Twitter, and she hosts a secret Facebook group of same name. In the very first episode of DNA Clarity and Support was an interview, Maggie shared with host Brianne the journey she has taken after a discovery two years ago that the father she has always known was not her biological father. Hear how grief changes with time, the impact of an "NPE" (not parent expected) discovery on existing relationships, and what it takes to help those around you know how to offer the right kind of support. Download and print the free mindfulness meditation poster.
Laura Kieger on DNA Clarity and Support: family, heredity, and the advancement of DNA in medical science
In this episode, Laura Kieger talks about her family's experience with the hereditary cancer syndrome, FAP. Kieger relates how in just a few short decades, the progress of medical genetics and cancer diagnosis has had a profound impact on her own life and others in her family. If anyone needs an example to point to as support for the importance of sharing DNA medical surprises with family, this episode of DNA Clarity and Support offers it!
Eight years of life as an NPE
Maggy wrote a reflection for the Watershed DNA blog three years ago. She is back again to share more reflections on her misattributed parentage experience. “Each puzzle piece helps me put myself together a little more firmly. I’m so grateful that I took that DNA test in 2013. It changed me and who I think I am and gave me a stronger sense of self than I think I ever would have had otherwise.”
Season 2 kicks off with Melissa Guida-Richards, author & late-discovery transracial adoptee
Season 2 kicks off with Melissa Guida-Richards.