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- NPE 38
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Supporting the Biological Fathers (And Their Families) Who Learn About a New Bio Child
Many “reunions” between biological relatives that have taken place after a DNA test discovery have led to disappointment on one, many, or all sides. Contact is refused. Contact goes great and then one party begins ghosting the other. Communications end, on a sour note or unexpectedly. Why is this?
“I Couldn’t Shake the Feeling That Maybe I Had a Different Biological Father”
Therese reached out to share her story about discovering she had a different biological father than she was told, and in her story is both struggle and growth.
The Mindful NPE Chats With Grey Genetics About Her DNA Surprise
Imagine sitting in a restaurant waiting for your dinner date to arrive and finding out from your iPhone that half of your family is not what you expected. Then heading to the bathroom to call Ancestry and ask, "Could this be wrong?"
Understanding Genealogical Bewilderment and Identity Disruption
"Genealogical bewilderment" and "identity disruption" are two terms to understand if you're an NPE or are connected to one in your circle of friends and family.
“I Believe My Mom Made the Best Decision She Thought She Could at the Time”: An NPE Discovery
Janna shares her experience and how she has coped with the decision made decades ago by her teenage mother after a high school party and an unplanned pregnancy.
Your Unexpected DNA Match Is Not a Fake DNA Account Created by Someone Trying to Scam You
The shock of an unexpected DNA family member can cause people to react in different ways.
Could the DNA test be wrong
The purpose of this quick guide is to answer the single most common question I hear from people who have recently received a DNA test result that does not match expectations.