Adoptees, Adoption, Birth Parents, Family Search Brianne K. Williams Adoptees, Adoption, Birth Parents, Family Search Brianne K. Williams

Late-discovery adoptee Julia shares about the challenges of reunion

There can be a gulf between what someone needs and desires from a reunion with genetic relatives and what is feasible and possible for a healthy, long-term relationship. Mental illness and mental health challenges can be a factor that complicates the reunion process for some individuals who are involved in an adoption constellation. In today’s guest post, late-discovery adoptee (LDA) Julia shares about her experience connecting with her birth mother and recognizing her birth mother’s undiagnosed and untreated mental health issues. Every person’s journey is unique.

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Events Brianne K. Williams Events Brianne K. Williams

Roots Summit 2026 details announced

The date and location for the next Untangling Our Roots summit have been announced, and the event will take place March 12-15, 2026 in Atlanta, Georgia.

This will be the third Roots Summit led by two organizations, Right To Know and National Association of Adoptees & Parents.

The summit brings together researchers, professionals, and individuals impacted by misattributed parentage, NPE, adoption, donor conception, and DNA surprises. Family members and support people are encouraged to join, as are individuals interested in learning more about the unique needs of individuals and families with misattributed parentage and unexpected DNA discoveries.

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Podcast, NPE, DNA Support, Misattributed Parentage Brianne K. Williams Podcast, NPE, DNA Support, Misattributed Parentage Brianne K. Williams

Destinations podcast - Brianne and host Doni speak about support for NPE community

Doni is the creator of Culturs Magazine which celebrates people with cross-cultural identities; she has seen how the experience of ‘third culture’ people overlaps often with the NPE world.

Check out the episode to hear our discussion and understand more about the work I do through my writing and private practice, Watershed DNA. We talked about my book The DNA Guide for Adoptees and a little about my upcoming book on the topic of genetic identity. In our discussion, Doni also shared about her role in helping NPEs through the non-profit organization NPE Network

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Brianne K. Williams Brianne K. Williams

Research study seeking multiple family members’ perspectives on the impact of unexpected Direct-To-Consumer paternal DNA discovery

Researchers at University of Southern California’s School of Social Work) are enrolling multiple individuals in a family impacted by direct-to-consumer (DTC) DNA testing unexpected DNA paternity results. Researchers request the person most closely impacted by a DNA discovery (the parent or adult child) be the first to reach out to the research team with interest.

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“Guidance for the Newly Discovered ‘Bio Dad’ and His Family”: Molly Corrigan Gives Voice to a Silent Group Whose Lives Change After a DNA Discovery

Podcast Ep 5: With the increasing popularity of at-home consumer DNA testing through companies like and 23andMe, more and more men are finding previously unknown offspring. For a man with a wife and family, this discovery presents unique challenges, particularly if that newfound "child" is a grown woman.

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NPE, DNA Support, Research Brianne K. Williams NPE, DNA Support, Research Brianne K. Williams

NPE Awareness Day - June 27th

NPE has become the term for a person who has discovered one or both parents is not genetically related to them, popularized by the first wide-spread NPE support organization, NPE Friends Fellowship. Many people introduce themselves or describe themselves as “I am an NPE” — this serves to connect NPEs and can be a way to help non-NPEs understand how disruptive the late discovery of misattributed parentage can be to someone’s identity.

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Study invites those with a parental DNA discovery

Research into the experiences of people receiving unexpected results from DNA testing continues.

A new study based at Long Island University aims to explore parental identity experiences in greater depth, from a small number of adults who have taken a DNA test and received an unexpected discovery related to their own parentage.

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ROH, DNA, Genetic Counseling Brianne K. Williams ROH, DNA, Genetic Counseling Brianne K. Williams

Genetic counseling for stigmatized pregnancy conceptions

This is a post aimed at educating the professionals who work with people having DNA testing who are familiar with and in a position to share unexpected findings such as incest/high ROH. At the end, we offer a call-to-action. NOTE: Please proceed to the full post only if you are prepared to read about shocking topics including sexual trauma, DNA trauma, severe family dysfunction and abuse.

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