Getting Started on a Search for Birth Family if You’re Adopted
As a search angel and a search assistant through Watershed DNA, I've worked with people using DNA testing in the search for biological family for a number of years. My experience has taught me that no two people and no two families are the same. The reasons to start searching, the reactions of bio and adoptive relatives, and what works and doesn't are different from one situation to the next.
Have you heard the “Searching for Relatives with DNA” podcast episode? Catch this interview by Simon Benn, available for listening now. Simon shares the backstory to his decision to search and the moment he knew it was time. Our discussion is geared towards supporting people early in the search process but will help anyone along the way, whether the searching person or the family who has been sought. Simon and I decided we'll try to connect later in the year and have a conversation about what to do when there are bumps along the way; when preparing for the search it’s important to prepare yourself for any outcome and be open to the possibility that your expectations and reality might not align.
Find more support and resources on, including blog posts, free resources, books and ebooks, online membership to a discussion forum, and scheduling a 1:1 session with Brianne.
I talk about my book The DNA Guide for Adoptees in this episode. If you haven't read it yet, you can find it on Amazon.