Brianne K. Williams Brianne K. Williams

Genetic counselors: who we are and what we do

Have you or your family ever met with a genetic counselor before? Do you know one personally? Just like there are so many ways doctors and nurses and teachers apply their education and training, there are countless ways genetic counselors help.

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How birth certificates and DNA testing help adoptees on a bio family search

Adopted and interested in starting a search? We’ve gathered more detailed information for you here and identified places to go for more. Two paths—the DNA-first route and the records-first route—are the main paths adoptees use today to begin a search for biological relatives.

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Study aims to explore the experiences of those with surprise discovery about a parent

Research into the experiences of people getting unexpected results from a home DNA test is still in infancy. A new study based at McGill University aims to explore the experiences of consumer DNA testers who receive an unexpected result with implications to their own parentage.

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Stigma, health, DNA, and adoptee rights: a discussion with Gabrielle Glaser about the changing landscape in America

On today's episode, Glaser talks with DNA Clarity and Support host Brianne Kirkpatrick about the history of coerced adoption in the United States and the influence of culture and stigma on women who in other circumstances might have chosen to parent rather than surrender their to the adoption system.

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Solving crimes with DNA testing: understanding the basics with podcast guest J.C. Kenney

J.C. Kenney is the author a series of cozy mystery novels, one of which involves using DNA and genealogy to solve a murder cold case. You need not be a true crime fan or a DNA expert to learn from today's episode! The conversation with J.C. hones in on the highlights of DNA and crime investigation and is a great intro for those unfamiliar with investigative genetic genealogy, often shortened to IGG. 

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Michael and Amy Blair on DNA Clarity and Support

Michael's search entered a new phase when a consumer DNA test connected him to paternal DNA relatives. The up-and-down journey, the people he came to know along the way, and the new understanding he has of his parents are all documented in his memoir, I Had My Underwear on the Entire Time.

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