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A Call From Wendell: James’s DNA Surprise Story
The uncovering of one DNA surprise can sometimes have a domino effect in a family. In the case of James and his family, the discovery that the father who raised James wasn’t his biological father led to the same discovery for his three siblings as well.
Before You Use That DNA Kit You Just Unwrapped....
You and thousands of people may find yourselves unwrapping a package of shiny paper and inside of it, a DNA kit! Maybe you were hoping for one and asking for it, maybe it is a surprise that came out of left field. Regardless, think of these things first!
CRISPR in the News - The First Gene-Edited Babies Have Been Born
The first report of gene-edited babies has come out, reported by a researcher in China who was trained and degreed at a university in the United States.
How to Test Your DNA (Even if You’ve Had a Stem Cell Transplant)
What Happens to DNA When Someone Has a Stem Cell Transplant?
Starting a Blog Helped Stacey Cope With Her DNA Surprise
Stacey reached out to me looking to connect with and find support from others who have discovered from DNA testing that they have Misattributed Parentage (NPE).
GEDmatch & the Are Your Parents Related Tool: What It Means if You See a Lot of Blue
Tracing individuals based on their relatives DNA and family trees are only part of what GEDmatch allows DNA researchers to do. Other tools are available on GEDmatch, including one called "Are Your Parents Related?"
Making Your Existence Known to Bio Family - Should You or Shouldn’t You?
If you are in a spot of deciding whether to reach out to genetic family who may or may not be aware of your existence, consider the situation pressing, but not urgent.
National Society of Genetic Counselors Posts Leaders’ Experience With Ancestry Testing for Hispanic Heritage Month
Two lovely genetic counselors and leaders within the National Society of Genetic Counselors paired up to experience and write about having ancestry testing to learn more about their Hispanic roots.
Two Sisters Bond as They Keep the Secret of Their Shared DNA Father
From the bravely-shared experiences of both Eden and Michelle, we learn about the tugging and pulling of loyalties to parents and siblings, the deeply-entrenched love and the desire for protection of the hearts of the ones most dear, and the unclear path forward when secrets long-hidden are suddenly and unexpectedly revealed.
DNA Testing: Ten Tips for Adoptive Parents
I’ve compiled ten tips for adoptive parents based on common questions and issues. The focus is on parents of children under the age of 18, but these points can apply to other families as well, including those who utilized egg, sperm, or embryo donation in building their family.
Digging Deeper Into a Promethease Finding Before Accepting It as Truth
I recently worked with a client who was adopted and had used a raw data file and the Promethease tool as an avenue to obtain some health/medical information for herself.
Brianne’s Interview With Fisher of the Extreme Genes Podcast About DNA Surprises
Check out this podcast episode to hear the discussion and understand more about how Watershed DNA came to be and how I help people who have gotten DNA surprises after an at-home test.
Support for Spouses and Significant Others of Those Involved in a DNA Surprise
One drop of change can have ripple effects that spread throughout the family.
Surprise, You Have a Daughter: A DNA Surprise for Everyone in the Family
People are people, have always been, and will always be. There's no need for judgment, no need for ridicule. People come into the world in different ways, and thanks to DNA testing, we are learning that family takes on many shapes and forms.
An Unwelcome DNA Surprise for a Devastated Dad: “I Just Found Out My Wife Was Unfaithful and My Kids Aren’t Mine”
Families are complicated, and family secrets are no longer locked away in the past.
Overview of Ancestry Tests - Honest Product Reviews Site
This website would be a great place to start if your main question is, "Which company should I choose to test with?"
Available: Presentations to You Group via Webinar
Do you know or belong to a group who might like to have a certified genetic counselor speak about 23andMe or another particular topic related to at-home genetic testing?
Rising Like the Phoenix: Mary’s DNA Surprise
Here is Mary's story. She deserves our acknowledgment for the strength it took for her to recount her heartaches and even greater respect for the ability to rise from them.
5 Things to Know About Promethease
Promethease is a literature retrieval system that compares raw DNA data to an online encyclopedia of genetics research called SNPedia. Here’s what you should know if you choose to use Promethease.
Gedmatch, Raw Data, and Solving Violent Crimes With Genetic Genealogy
A voluntary site created for genealogists called GEDmatch is the site law enforcement and others are using to solve crimes. Solving crimes has included finding suspected perpetrators and identifying victims.