“I Am Thankful That She Told Me the Truth When I Asked” - Christa’s Story of a DNA Surprise

The recorded re-telling of a painful and emotional experience of uncovering a DNA surprise is helpful for others to read. It supports and validates others who are going through the same thing, and it provides insight for the friends, family, and professionals who will be there alongside a person on their journey following the unexpected discovery.

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Brianne Kirkpatrick Quoted in PhillyVoice Article on Unexpected DNA Surprises

In this piece which covers the topic of support after unexpected DNA discoveries, I shared my thoughts on the topic and touched briefly on the role grief and support play in these experiences.

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NPE, DNA Surprise, Misattributed Parentage Brianne K. Williams NPE, DNA Surprise, Misattributed Parentage Brianne K. Williams

“I Think I Figured Out My Father Isn’t My Father, but I Don’t Know What to Do Now.”

Ancestry tests work like paternity testing, in that they are able to detect whether or not you are matching to close biological family correctly or not. The results can be confusing, especially to someone not familiar with the way ancestry test results are displayed.

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Two Sisters Bond as They Keep the Secret of Their Shared DNA Father

From the bravely-shared experiences of both Eden and Michelle, we learn about the tugging and pulling of loyalties to parents and siblings, the deeply-entrenched love and the desire for protection of the hearts of the ones most dear, and the unclear path forward when secrets long-hidden are suddenly and unexpectedly revealed.

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