Watershed DNA

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Why Your Doctor Should Care About Your Surprise DNA Family Discovery

Watershed DNA’s founder Brianne Kirkpatrick shares on the blog of 23andMe some tips for healthcare providers about what to do with a patient’s unexpected DNA family discovery. You can read the full post HERE and catch the highlights below!

Read the full post at https://blog.23andme.com/education/navigating-dna-surprises/

DNA discoveries are varied and the reactions to them depend on different factors. Who knew about the person who learned they were an NPE? When did the discovery take place? Was there any preparation or suspicion prior to the results? Brianne’s guest post summarizes the impact of NPE discoveries and tips for healthcare providers on the 23andMe blog.

highlighted part of the post about NPE (not parent expected) and NEE (not ethnicity expected)

Discoveries that answer questions for one set of people (adoptees, for example) can often open the door to new questions for others (the DNA relatives they connect to or make contact with). Family members who are contacted by a newfound DNA child are not always ready or prepared for what comes next, especially if they weren’t aware of a biological child’s existence.


If you’re a person who makes an NPE discovery or a healthcare provider guiding someone else, arm yourself with the knowledge about resources available. Before launching into a search for biological family, prepare. Read other posts like this one and check out the growing list of support groups and therapists first.

The story of Diana, a 23andMe customer, hits these points home

Understanding the experience from the other side, and working with a knowledgeable therapist, and surrounding yourself with support are critical to the journey. If you are a person surprised by your DNA test matches or someone close to you, you can learn more about Navigating Unexpected Relationships from this page on the 23andMe blog.

See this content in the original post

*Disclosure: Brianne Kirkpatrick is a consultant for 23andMe. She values your right to accurate information, resources, and support, and finds this particularly important in situations of unexpected findings which often arise in discoveries related to adoption, donor conception, and NPE (not parent expected) situations. Watershed DNA does not use affiliate links for any DNA tests (including 23andMe) and neither Brianne nor Watershed DNA benefits or profits from your purchase of DNA testing.